Aleyna Young and Jasmine Garza Jockey Club Award Recipients

Aleyna Young (FD 20′) and Jasmine Garza (FD 20′) were recipients of the Bakersfield Jockey Club Award for their outstanding performances in tennis. Nice work, Aleyna and Jasmine!
Nate Roodzant at US Naval Academy

Nate Roodzant (FD Class 19’) has finished his Plebe summer at the United States Naval Academy. He has gone from a civilian to a Fourth Class Midshipman and is loving it. Way to go Nate!
Karla Guzman Naval Academies first Women’s Club Soccer Team

Karla Guzman (FD class 18’) is a Third Class Midshipman at the United States Naval Academy and was chosen to play on the First Navy Women’s Club Soccer team. Go Navy!9
Ford Dimension group enjoys the Golden Empire Gleaners

Our Ford Dimension group enjoyed the Golden Empire Gleaners breakfast and the opportunity to hear City Councilman Andrae Gonzales speak about what is being done to help or homeless population in Bakersfield.
Escape The Vape – Curriculum

Team “Escape the Vape” sought to educate youth on the fallacies of vaping and how dangerous the activity can actually be. They created a video with the accompanying educational material, presenting it to students at Emerson Middle School and the Leader in Life Youth Conference. The team also advocated for a city-wide vaping awareness campaign. […]
New principal Megan Gregor, Ford Dimension Class of 2000, welcomes students

Principal, Megan Jager Gregor (Ford Dimension Class of 2000) welcomes students to the first day of school at West High in Bakersfield. Congratulations Megan on your new role as Principal. We are all very proud of you. Keep up the good work!
Hidden In Plain Sight Video – Team The Garlic Company

Team: The Garlic Company Project: In Plain Sight “Hidden In Plain Sight” was created by 8 high school seniors who participated in the student leadership program, Ford-Dream Builders (class of 2018). Their video and curriculum about this serious issue will be implemented in all health classes in the Kern High School District. This educational video […]
Greetings from Bakersfield Book

CLICK HERER TO VIEW THE FULL GREETINGS FROM BAKERSFIELD BOOK IN FLASH “Greetings from Bakersfield” book was a photo book developed by the Dream Builder Area Energy LLC Team of 2019. By demonstrating the diversity, passion, and vibrancy of our community, we hope to improve Bakersfield’s image and promote pride in where we live. A […]
Escape The Vape – KGET 17 News Coverage

“Some local students paid a visit to Emerson Middle School to teach students how to escape the vape. The rally was held to educate younger students about the risks of vaping.Although vaping doesn’t product smoke like traditional cigarettes, health experts have been raising the alarm about the chemicals used.” “Escape the Vape” is an educational […]
Payton Renz honored with The Mayor’s Trophy 2019

Payton Renz, a Ford Dimension Rep and a senior from Liberty High School was honored with the Mayor’s trophy for her accomplishments in cross country, track and field, soccer and tennis as well as all of her outstanding leadership activities. Payton will be going on to Notre Dame to pursue her college dreams.